ikut-ikut quiz di facebook

You belong to the silver family! The color psychology quiz tells us that you subconsciously most relate to those silvers, whites, and greys. First off, feel very unique! This is a rare color family to belong to, and it means that you're super special and, obviously, super interesting. This group of colors is frequently associated with purity and spirituality. You exist on a higher plane than most of us and you're deeply connected to spirituality. This can manifest itself in many ways. Maybe you're religious, maybe you love philosophy, maybe Zen meditation is your thing, or perhaps you simply enjoy a clean, simple and drama free life. Regardless of which category fits you, you're above a lot of the messy things in life and you seek balance and peace. You're a rare breed.
What do you think about being such a highly evolved silver soul? Tell us in the comments!
What do you think about being such a highly evolved silver soul? Tell us in the comments!