What Are You Most Inclined To Be Addicted To?

The addiction you're most inclined to have is chocolate!
If there's one thing you can't live without, it's chocolate! Milk chocolate, White chocolate, dark chocolate, you love it all! And chocolate cake? Oh, there's not stopping you when it comes to chocolate cake. Studies have shown that the experience of eating chocolate results in feel good neurotransmitters (mainly dopamine - which is also released while laughing and having sex) being released in the brain. So you're not just imagining that ecstatic feeling you getting every time you bite down on a delicious chocolate bar! Your chocolate-loving personality just means that you're a seriously interesting person, friendly, out-going, and loved by almost everyone -- just like chocolate!
If there's one thing you can't live without, it's chocolate! Milk chocolate, White chocolate, dark chocolate, you love it all! And chocolate cake? Oh, there's not stopping you when it comes to chocolate cake. Studies have shown that the experience of eating chocolate results in feel good neurotransmitters (mainly dopamine - which is also released while laughing and having sex) being released in the brain. So you're not just imagining that ecstatic feeling you getting every time you bite down on a delicious chocolate bar! Your chocolate-loving personality just means that you're a seriously interesting person, friendly, out-going, and loved by almost everyone -- just like chocolate!